相談事例10 − 下肢静脈瘤に関するご相談
I answer your two questions.
1. Any balneotherapy has no indication to the venous varices in lower extremities . Rather, incorrect bathing might bring a risk of pulmonary embolism, because it causes a rapid increase of blood stream and thrombi in varices are separated from venous walls.
2. To avoid such a risk, the following attentions must be paid if you want strongly any thermal bathing.
(1) A single bathing is done in tepid thermal water( about 40℃) within 5 min. and is repeated at several times. As a rule, bathing is once a day.
(2)A strong rubbing with towel on lower extremities is prohibited.
(3)A drinking of approximately 500 ml of "ion water" and a lying down on floor over 30 min. are done after bathing.